Having a discussion

Having a discussion – easier with commonly used phrases. Here you will find ideas and suggestions for phrases to use in a discussion

Eine Diskussion führen – einfacher mit häufig verwendeten Redewendungen. Hier einige Ideen, Anregungen, Formulierungsbeispiele und Musterformulierungen für Diskussionen.

Having a discussion - Formulierungsbeispiele

Having a discussion

Einleitung / Introduction

  • I would like to discuss …
  • Let’s begin with the fact that …
  • We could start with …
  • I would like to talk about …
  • First of all, I would like to say/state that
  • First, …. second, …. third ….
  • To begin with, ….

Eigene Meinung / personal opinion

  • I (don’t) find …. / think … / feel … / suppose …. / believe …
  • Personally, I think …
  • In my opinion …
  • In my view …
  • As far as I know …
  • As far as I’m concerned …
  • As far as I can see …
  • (Well,) If you ask me …
  • To be honest, ….
  • An additional argument I would like to present is ….
  • I would argue, that ….
  • The main reason, however, is that ….
  • The most convincing argument (to me) is ….

Zustimmung – Agreement

  • Yes, but….
  • You are right on ….
  • That’s quite right …
  • I must admit that …
  • I completely / totally / fully /quite agree.
  • Furthermore, I am of the same opinion as …
  • I’m convinced that …
  • It seems to me that …
  • I would say that …
  • That could be right.
  • As a matter of fact, …
  • That’s right. And …
  • I can understand …
  • That’s why …
  • It is absolutely right to say, that ….
  • I do not think anyone would disagree on that.
  • Can/May I add something?
  • I would like to come back to …
  • I agree (with the fact) that …

Widerspruch – Disagreement

  • I’m not convinced by … / that ….
  • I don’t agree at all.
  • I completely disagree on that.
  • I doubt that …
  • I differ from/with you entirely.
  • Sorry to interrupt you, but …
  • I can’t understand …
  • I’m afraid I can’t accept …
  • Never! That’s wrong.
  • That can’t be right, because ….
  • I see what you mean, but …
  • I don’t believe …
  • I don’t think so.
  • I cannot fully agree with you, because ….

Fragen / Questions

  • What do you think / say (about…)?
  • What’s your opinion on this?
  • What do you mean by that?
  • Can you please explain your statement about ….

Zusammenfassung / conclusion

  • To come to a conclusion, ….
  • So we agree on ….
  • So all in all I believe that…
  • Weighing the pros and cons, I come to the conclusion that …
  • Based on what we have heard, I conclude that …
  • I would like to summarise that …
  • Taking into account the discussion before, one can say …



Discussion phrases – Formulierungsbeispiele

Topic ideas for discussion

  • Climate change – what can be done?
  • Mobile phone ban in schools
  • Equality between men and women
  • Meat eating

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