Example comment

Example comment – 8. Klasse – Gymnasium,

als Beispiel zum Thema „Writing a comment“.

English: Example comment

Example comment

Aufgabe: Kommentar über die Vor- und Nachteile eines Umzuges ins Ausland.


Before my family and I moved here, we had a few discussions about reasons for and against moving here.



Argumente für einen Umzug ins Ausland

On the one hand, moving to a foreign country is good because you get to know a new culture and sometimes also a new language, which is good because you can talk to more people in future. Moreover, you can improve your language skills. The last reason for moving, we thought of, is that my sister and me will have better chances if we want to get our first jobs or go to college.

Argumente gegen einen Umzug ins Ausland

On the other hand, there are of course also reasons against moving, for example that we had to leave our friends, our home and with it some memories. Furthermore, our extended family, which means our grandparents and others, are living far away from here, so that we can’t visit them for only one weekend or a short time in general. The last point I remember from our discussions is that we have to cope with a new school system and a new life in the middle of our school time, which is difficult, because school here is very different, and we just have to watch our grades.



In general, I can understand both opinions but my own is, that moving to a country is a good idea and can be very helpful for my future or the future of whoever does it.

Beispiel 8. Klasse -Gymnasium

– Auszug aus einer Arbeit –

(diese Arbeit wurde mit 19 von 20 Punkten – entspricht einem „sehr gut“ – bewertet)

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