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Comment schreiben – Muster aus der Q1 (Gymnasium)


Comment schreiben - eine Musterlösung

Comment schreiben 

Aufgabe: Based on any work done in class on the changing face of post-Brexit and British identity, comment on the statement “A national identity cannot be picked out like a new suit of clothes“ from „After Brexit, England will have to rethink its identity“ by Robert Winder. 


Robert Winder Claims that ‘A national identity cannot be picked out like a new suit of clothes’. By stating this he implies that a national identity is something permanent and something that belongs to one. This is where I kind of agree with him. I believe that it is not possible to simply change your national identity. Since it is something that belongs to you like part of one’s personality, it is not possible to suddenly be of a certain nationality, however I do believe that one can become of a nationality by living in a county or society for a long time and identifying with its ideology and ways of being. This means that if someone is to move to a different country and would become part of a part of the society there, adapting their cultural habits, speak their language and so on, that person could say they are of that country’s identity but otherwise not.


In my opinion is it on the other side also not possible to change a national identity very easily or just because of one event, taking the British identity as an example, it is the food like backed beans and beverages like tea, the culture and the stereotypical posh behavior as well as their language and accents that make them British, political and economic events like the Brexit however do not influence that, the monarchy which they are very proud of aside.

The national identity is, in my opinion, like a personality, it is put together out of many different things and one certain occurrence doesn’t change but maybe rather shape it a little.

From my point of view, it is possible that the Brexit help Britain change in the positive way contrary to Winder’s believe, leaving the EU forces them to be more independent and make their own policies but also gives them more power and a seat at the WTO, this is kind of like a moving out while growing up, even though Britain is split in opinions on the Brexit at the moment, they will continue to grow back together in the years to come, this will probably strengthen the country socially and bring them together. For this to happen it is important though, that they overcome their problems regarding racism and hostility towards ethnic minorities and become aware of how multicultural they’ve been ever since the colonialism and that it has helped them and been integrated into their culture.


Concluding, I believe that a National identity is something that develops and changes over time nut not due to the way one event happens, which  means that Winder’s claim is understandable but viewed from the wrong perspective, since he only thinks about how, for him, the past two years proceeded and not how those years will be put into the shadow of what Britain now does with her new position and opportunities, shaping the national identity.


Stella – 2023


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